Turn A Seam Ripper For Quilting and Sewing

Seam RipperFebruary, at the Desert Woodturning Roundup, I met Wayne Wolfe. He showed me pictures of several quilt and sewing tools that he has woodturning. My wife said she wanted one – so off I go.

For the hardware, I purchased a seam ripper at a fabric store and discarded its lid. The wood is a exotic wood pen blank I purchased in an assortment. The woods were not labeled so I don’t know what species of wood it is.

Step 1: Mount in a chuck.

Step 2: Drill 1/4″ hole 1 5/8″ deep (for my ripper). Then enlarge the hole by one bit size down to 1/2″

Step 3: Turn a simple, easily held handle. A lot of beads and coves may show off turning skills but would be less comfortable to hold. Mine is finished with beeswax and mineral oil

That’s all – a simple but usefull project.

5 Responses to “Turn A Seam Ripper For Quilting and Sewing”

  1. Robert Lindh says:

    Alan…Check out early Pa.Dutch sewing items for some projects…check on line or on some of the better auctions for examples.

  2. Thax but no thax my wife saw your demo & wants 10 made for her quilting club. Thars why I can not make money.Thax any why.

  3. Delbert Cline says:

    I made a segmented yarn bowl for my sister. She is a quilter, knitter, and sewer and other things I can’t spell. I used several kinds of wood to give a quilted effect. I have photos if you would like to see. I was a really interesting project.
    I hope to see you back on You Tube soon.