Remount & Finish Woodturning Naturally Spalted Aspen Bowl

Bowl in Spalted Aspen

May also be viewed on YouTube.

This aspen bowl was turned wet or green several years ago. At that time, I put it away in a paper sack for it to dry. Apparently, it was extra wet or did not dry very quickly, since a large growth of mold or fungus developed on the surface. I brushed off the mold or fungus and left it to continue drying without a paper sack.

After wet turning, I did not expect much from this bowl. Aspen is a fairly plain wood. This being the case, I was in no hurry to finish turn it.

However, I was in for a big surprise. Rather than being a problem, the growth did me a favor by imparting additional color and interest to the bowl thru spalting.

The bowl is eight inches in diameter and three inches in height, finished with walnut oil and buffed to shiny perfection.

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