Archive for July, 2013

Woodturning A Tune-able Train Whistle

After the Cascade Woodturners club asked me to do a demo, I needed to make a practice run. After the last whistle, a viewer suggesting making the whistle in a way that it could be tuned instead of relying solely on the depth of holes drilled in the cylinder. This whistle is tuned by inserting […]


Turn A Large Hollow Wood Sphere Or Ball With No Fear

To dispel my ball turning phobia forever, I decided to do a large, hollow ball. What’s different? Well, on a large ball, any irregular surface is more apparent. Even more is that I’m having to turn blind. I cannot check wall thickness as I work the wood — I have to rely on measurement taken […]


Risky Turning – Deceptive Off Center Duck

I am interested in multi-axis and off center turning. However, any change to the turning axis presents challenges and risks. This project, from hard maple, follows an example in “Woodturning Methods” by Mike Darlow. On the first axis, I turned the body, foot, and a mounting disk. Then I mounted a wood faceplate with a […]


Simple Wood Faceplates For Perfect Balls Or Spheres

In my last video I turned a couple of wood balls to overcome a long running phobia – a concern that I could ever turn a perfect wood sphere. But I did it. One requirement was to have a process that I described in that video. However, part of the process required a set of […]