Posts Tagged ‘salt shaker’

Revealing The Mysteries of Turned Volcano Salt Urn In Difficult Wood

Please view this post here on this page. In case of difficulty, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. This project is another volcano salt urn. This time in a burl with voids that would interfer with it being a salt shaker. The same consideration would be necessary for “stinky” woods. In addition to […]


Revealing The Mysteries Of Turned Volcano Salt Urn

This video is best viewed right here on this page. In case of media failure, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. This project is a volcano salt urn. These are unique in that there is no cap, lid, or trapdoor through which to add salt. Nor are there holes in the top to […]


Woodturning Volcano Salturn In A Perfect Sphere

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! After seeing Dave’s demonstration of a salturn or volcano salt shaker, I remembered one I made over seven years ago. You can view that video,“Woodturning An Unusual Salt Shaker in Maple” at this link. I felt inspired to turn a new salturn just […]


Unusual Salt Shaker in Maple

This woodturning project is a salt shaker or salturn in hard maple. It was inspired by a demonstration by Terry Gerros from Willamette Valley Woodturners to Cascade Woodturners. The blank is 3″x3″x6″ tall, finished with shellac friction polish, This salt shaker does not have a removeable opening or removeable top. Nor does it have holes […]