Woodturning An Offset Slat Bowl – Round 2 – Not This Way!

Offset Slat BowlThis video is also on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook – but you’re already here so stick around.

In round 1, I only glued the slats for this bowl to top and bottom waste blocks. That did not work so well.

This time, I thought double stick tape would be just the thing to temporarily hold the slats together. Well, the tape did exactly that – held the slats together. However, it did not easily release its hold on the slats. I damaged some edges while separating the slats.

While I like this style of bowl, there has to be another way that will hold the slats together but also release them when necessary. I’m not there yet.

In the meantime, here’s another way NOT to turn this style of bowl. I like the result but not the process.


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