Woodturning, Burning, Coloring A Different Box Style

Textured, Colored BoxThis video is also loaded to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Where best? Right here!

Our club challenged us to turn a box according to the style of Benoit Averly who demonstrated at the Utah Woodturning Symposium. His style included boxes with tall tapered lid textured and stained with a finial.

But I still like to put my own stamp on a project. Instead of texturing the entire surface with carving, I used my pyrography gear. Instead of staining the entire surface, I opted for a variegated red, orange, yellow surface.

My box is about 9 inches tall including the finial and about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Colors are red, yellow, and black alcohol dyes. It is finished with rattle can lacquer. Red and yellow dyes were applied with a Richeson atomizer. Black dyes were applied with cotton Que-tips.

I built my pyrography power supply in a video:

The pyrography pen was built in a video:


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