Woodturning Dye Practice – A Juicy Apple

AppleThis video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook – Best right here at As Wood Turns!

Part of my childhood was spent on a fruit farm. We grew a lot of apples – mostly red ones.

For this project, I decided to turn an apple. Too bad it is from maple wood. One tool that makes it easier is a screw chuck provided by Bert Desilse of Alberta, Canada. It is a metal piece that it held in place by standard chuck jaws. It contains a replaceable square drive screw that is held in place by a square drive bit. A very nice design.

For color, I used alcohol based red, green, and yellow dyes applied with cue tips and a Richeson atomizer. I sanded back much of the dye to blend it together and allow a mottled final color. When completed, I sprayed it with rattle can lacquer.


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