Two Natural Edge Bowls – One Up – One Down

Poplar BowlThis video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re already here at the best place.

At a local club wood exchange, I received two identical slabs of wood. They were quite thin and I wondered what I could do with them. They seemed too thin for a standard bowl.

The bark was ugly so i pried it off. But, underneath that bark was an interesting natural edge. The first bowl was turned with the flat side down to show off the natural edge. But I did not want to make two identical bowls. The first bowl is at this link: This Natural Edge Bowl Will Not Tip Over

So, after worrying about how to safely mount the second bowl, I decided to turn it with the flat side up but leave the natural edge intact on the bottom. The difficulty was how to mount the wood.

Finally, I drove three long screws through a wood faceplate and into the wood. I positioned the screws where I could put knobs on the bottom to stabilize the wood. Three legs self level – Four or more would have been a nightmare to not have the bowl rock. Even then, the top is not parallel with the surface the bowl can rest on. But that adds to its appeal. The second bowl is 11 by 9 by 3 inches, finished with walnut oil. The feet are walnut.



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