Classy, Easy, DIY Christmas Ornament Hangers

I like to make my own wire hangers for my Christmas ornaments. In my view, they are a much better alternative to screw eyelets.


  • Copper wire (silvered, copper, black, etc) 18 to 24 gauge available from craft stores and some hardware stores.
  • Drill bit or transfer punch – size to taste
  • Jacobs chuck or other way to hold bit.
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • CA glue for attaching to ornament

Wrap wire around drill bit and twist the ends together for a tight weave.


2 Responses to “Classy, Easy, DIY Christmas Ornament Hangers”

  1. Walter says:

    Thanks for sharing that technique, Alan. I’ve also had challenges finding hangers that were small and inexpensive. Canadian Tire used to carry small packages of 20 size 4mm brass screw eyes, for about $3 a package, and I would buy up several boxes each season. But this year, I found an even better option, at Lee Valley.

    They have several sizes available, but I found the 3mm brass eyes to be perfect. Bag of 100 eyes for just $3.20 CAD. A 1mm drill makes a perfect sized hole. No messing around with CA glue either.