A Woodturner’s Nightmare “Woodie’s Nemesis”

Woodie's NemesisThis video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best Right Here!

When on a wood acquisition journey, we cut off the end of a hollow box elder log to assess the amount of good wood. When we did, we also found old rusty nails inside the rotten hollow.

The vendor gave me the offcut. I think he just did not want to have to dispose of it.

But, at home, I thought a lot about whether I could turn the piece with the nail.

Here goes. It is about 10 inches in diameter and about 6 inches thick, finished with walnut oil. The stand is also spalted box elder.


2 Responses to “A Woodturner’s Nightmare “Woodie’s Nemesis””

  1. Joe Bickley says:

    Crazy, but I like it. Its character really shows.
    P. S. It reminds me of a hot wire anemometer. 🙂