Woodturning Elevated Platter / Bowl – Patience Rewarded

Ash Platter

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This item is either a bowl or a platter depending on your definition. To me, a bowl is perhaps more of a container and a platter has a flat inside surface. This one is half and half.

The wood is ash, harvested green, turned rough, dried, then remounted and completed. Total time is about 14 months. The platter is finished with walnut oil. Dimensions 9 inches diameter and 2 inches high.

This design has its own elegance.


4 Responses to “Woodturning Elevated Platter / Bowl – Patience Rewarded”

  1. Jack Thompson says:

    Vary nice platter.

  2. Warnie Lore says:

    Alan, you seem to have a preference of walnut oil over other oil finishes. If that is so, can you give us a reason?

    • Many oil finishes can work. But, yes, walnut oil is a primary go to finish. Mineral Oil/beeswax mix is also a good utility finish.
      Walnut oil does not spoil. Does not have any metallic dryers. Non-toxic (to my knowledge since people eat it. It does dry. can be refinished (as other oils can). May not have a great risk of spontaneous combustion. I’ve heard that walnut oil has a high concentration of an acid that prevents going rancid in contrast with olive oil which is low the the acid.
      I have had Danish oil start a nice little fire from rags.
      Hope this rambling answer helps.