Woodturning Multi-Axis Christmas Ornament

Walnut Ornament

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This week I am taking last week’s ornament to yet the next level. It follows a similar process as last week but yet is different. Both are multi-axis turning. In this one the multi-axis grooves are fewer but deeper with a different result. The finial complements the outline of the globe portion.

The globe portion is English walnut. The finial is black walnut. Both are finished with shellac friction polish. Globe is three inches; total height is five inches.

See also Woodturning Perfect Spheres – For Wise Turners


This year’s Christmas Ornament Challenge opened November 1st. Be ready! There is something for everyone who enters. Go to www.OrnamentChallenge.com

3 Responses to “Woodturning Multi-Axis Christmas Ornament”

  1. Peter says:

    Intriguing demo Alan. Amazing how the small gap between the body and the finials just gives that “wow” factor .
    Peter (in the UK)