Twice Turned Bowl – Green To Beauty

Elm Bowl 9x3

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This elm was harvested almost 2 years ago. Whoever cut it down was not a wood turner because the shape of this block of wood was awful. It was trapezoidal with some of the heart side corners cut off. I could have reversed it but chose not to.

When rough turning, I left the wall about 1 inch thick since I did not know how much this wood would warp while drying.

After rough turning, I coated it with a PVA based sealer, Tree Saver, available from Craft Supplies, USA. Periodically, I weighed and recorded the weight each time. This is the most reliable way for me to know when a bowl is dry and stable.

I remounted the bowl against a wood faceplate held in place with the live center in the original divot from the live center. The enabled the mounting tenon to be again turned round and with a flat top. As a bonus, I could also trim back some of the exterior wood.

After reversing the bowl into a chuck, I could finish turning the bowl except for the tenon area.

While I have a set of Cole jaws, I chose to again press the bowl against a wood faceplate while finishing the foot area. My intent was to then sand the remaining area for the nub left by the live center. However, I pushed it one cut too far; the nub broke away before I was finished. So back to the Cole jaws to sand the foot.

Walnut oil brings out the color and grain.


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