Turning Simple Three Part Goblet – Low Risk – High Reward

This video is best right here but in case of technical difficulties, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook.

Walnut Maple Goblet

Of the many types of goblets that I have turned, I think
a three piece goblet is the simplest and very rewarding.

Simple: Only smaller pieces are extending out from the spindle.
Therefore, no steady rest is usually required.

Efficient: Smaller size pieces of wood can be used.
The stem does not require wasting most of a block of wood.

Pretty: The bottom of the base is easily turned and finished.

My goblet is about 8 inches tall and about 2.5 inches diameter,
finished with wipe-on poly.

Some newer viewers may wonder why I insist on wearing a face shield for safety. Please check out this video:

Green Apricot Bowl Disaster

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