New Process To Woodturn Dry Wood Goblet

Goblet Dry

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In this video, I transfer the process used on recent green wood goblet to a dry wood goblet.

What is different? Usually, the turning order is: Bowl, stem, foot. However, with the recent experience, I want to change the order to: Foot, Bowl, Stem.

Unfortunately, I got into a rut and hollowed the bowl first. Then I adapted by cutting a tenon on the bowl portion in order to turn the foot. Then, I could resume the new sequence and finish the foot, then remainder of the bowl, then stem. Had I kept my wits about me, it would have been simpler. I will go at it again.

Here are links to videos describing my steady rest.

My DIY Lathe Steady Rest
Update To My DIY Lathe Steady Rest
Woodturning – My DIY Steady Rest Is Still Steady

Make one for yourself.


4 Responses to “New Process To Woodturn Dry Wood Goblet”

  1. Peter says:

    Thanks Alan – some interesting techniques.

    Peter UK

  2. Jerry Johnson says:

    I really enjoy your weekly videos thank you for sharing your ideas! Jerry in Nevada