Woodturning Scoop Series – Double Scoop

Double Scoop

Best place to view this post – right here. If gremlins attack, try YouTube or FaceBook.

I am exploring turning various scoops of styles or types. While a double bowl scoop is not that different than a single bowl scoop, it is fun and there are some complications with the handle. This scoop is a fun conversation turning.

The scoop is about 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, finished with shellac.

Other scoops:


In this year’s Christmas Ornament Challenge, our sponsors will be providing discounts and coupons for everyone who enters their ornament. This is in addition to a larger number of grand prizes. I’m still working to line up additional vendor sponsors.

Prepare now for the November submission time. Check www.OrnamentChallenge.com for more details and to submit your ornament (in November)


2 Responses to “Woodturning Scoop Series – Double Scoop”

  1. Bill Foster says:

    Hi Alan, sorry your lathe is down, I have 20″ model 3520 A. (love It) I was having problems with it. I contacted Powermatic. after many tries. they recommended buying a new inverter box. (900.00) ouch. I called all around and I couldn’t find any buddy to fix it. So, I bit the bullet and ordered one. The problem with the new inverter box is the price and the delivery time. I started it back in June and it didn’t receive it tell Dec. They pushed the delivery time back many times they said it was coming from China. I told them to bring their products back to US. I didn’t have any problem installing it. It’s been a good lathe. I bought it back in 2004. I like your show, keep up the good work. Bill Foster

    • Yes, I am afraid I need a new inverter. My lathe dates back to 2000.
      The more complete story is that the shop replaced the switch on trip 1(okay). Then found a intermittent break in the remote switch on trip 2(okay).
      When remounting the HS, it fell, smashed the fan & cowling, and mangled the inverter.
      I managed to pound out the cowling, bend the fan to be usable.
      But the inverter…
      I bent back the 12 pin seat for that control thingy and plugged it in again. It is working.
      Then duct tape to the rescue wrapping it around the inverter.
      Yes, I will have to replace it.
      I understand that there are many inverters than can work, just need the codes and adapt it to the lathe.
      We’ll see.